latest technology in cells nutrition
These nutrients are developed by an exclusive Scientific and Nutritional Technology, MICELLIZATION. This is a physical method, which operates under a mechanical process putting Dried fruits, herbs and vegetables to vibrate and to be liquefied at a high rate of 67.000 R.P.M. To convert their oily molecules or lipids, (such as vitamins A, D, E and K, which have an oily constitution that does not let their molecules be dissolved in water), into stable particles of submicroscopic size,( as tiny as 200 times smaller than one cell and 50 times smaller than a red globule). Liquid Micellized Vitamins is a patented formulation process to maximize your body's ability to absorb vitamins and nutrients. Micellized liquid vitamins means better absorption.
Whether you need a multiple, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Antioxidant Combination or any one of vital support formulas, this super-efficient absorption process allows your body to use more of the vitamins and nutrients you take. For example, only about 20 - 25% of Vitamin E in an oil form is actually absorbed. Micellized Vitamin E is absorbed more than 4 times as much and twice as fast. Fat-soluble nutrients, vitamins A, E and Beta-Carotene along with Vitamin C convert in a stable, water-miscible highly absorbable micellar forms. The amazing result is that the nutrients may be mixed with the water and due that
human body composition is 70% water, micellized-nutrient digestive process is very fast - almost 10 minutes - and the organism practically does not require a hard digestion. In addition, it occurs a complete absorption of nutrients ingested - at least 97% and 98%. Therefore, the body absorbs ingested vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber, water and carbohydrates at a high rate-not at the common slow way- letting to be fed and nourished itself at the required and balanced proportion that allows to supply and fill out any deficiency up to the balance level. At this point, the body defenses rise in their number: white globules, lymphocytes and leukocytes which are strengthened, immune system reactive and body get started to cure itself.
The Amazing Result of Micellized Nutrition is the metabolism balance, All-systems harmony and function, fast or slow disappearance of all ailments; Strength and sickness prevention and immediate-boosting energy, increase in vitality and an enhanced health.
The Micellization pioneers were Doctor Linus Pauling (Chemistry Prize Nobel, 1954 and Peace, 1962), the former scientist of NASA: Durk Pearson and his wife Sandy Shaw who were awarded the second best scientists of the millennium; Ann de Wees Allen, N. D inventor and owner of the L-Arginine thermogetics patents and who adapted the Vitamin C protocol for patients with Cancer; Scientific method of David Ruttolo's Research. As they studied the human body they determined that under the current conditions man could live around 130 years and he was not reaching this age due to the fact that his digestive system is so intoxicated, blocked and miss functioned that it is the cause of not digest, synthesize nor extract about 70% of the ingested nutrients.
Why is Micellization important?
-Ordinary absorption in the body is an inefficient process. Nutritionists know that very little of the supplements we ingest as tablets, pills or capsules is actually absorbed by our bodies.
-This absorption of nutrients in our body, particularly fat soluble vitamins and supplements, is further reduced by other factors, such as the individual's ability to digest and absorb dietary fat, digestive problems, disease (such as those of the heart or liver, diabetes, etc.), immune disorders and food allergies. The body may not absorb these nutrients readily for a variety of reasons. The following are some of the reasons: Improper Pancreatic Activity, Limited Bile Production, High Fat Diets, Aging, High Fiber Diets
-There is also abundant scientific evidence that vitamins and other fat soluble nutrients (Lipids) are more effectively absorbed from water soluble preparations (such as Micellized nutrients) than from oily forms.
-In order for Lipids to be absorbed, they must first be emulsified. The body's mechanism for emulsifying fats is frequently inefficient. Micellization is even more
efficient than emulsification. It is a perfect emulsion with a particle size so small that the Lipids become truly water-soluble. Micellization is the unique process which enables fat-soluble nutrients to be converted into stable water-miscible micelles.
-Absorption generally increases 3- 5 times greater than from common oil forms. This process is also far more effective than so called "water soluble" or "emulsified" forms. This is due primarily to the formation of the very small droplet size, 0.5 microns, as compared to emulsified forms, 10 to 20 microns or oils, 50 to 1000 microns. The smaller the micelle, the better the solubility in water and therefore the better the absorption into the hepatic portal system, the more efficient water-base transport system of nutrients. Without micellization, fat soluble nutrients are absorbed as large globules mainly by the lymphatic system, a less efficient transport system.
Therefore, Nowadays mankind finds undernourished and weak with an atrophied immune system . This is the cause of 90% of all common illnesses. In addition,
immune science has demonstrated that there is "No medicine that Heals". To Keep and Get a good and Better health, The Real Truth is we must provide the body with an excellent nutrition.
For the Dietary supplement formulation, the scientists considered their following unique properties:
Micellization is a patented mechanical process that creates tiny, microscopic particles of oils or oil soluble nutrients such as Vitamins A, E and D, Beta-Carotene, Lecithin and Essential Fatty Acids. By doing so, these nutrients become completely water soluble, which greatly increases absorption in the body and also increases blood plasma levels of these nutrients.
The Dietary supplements need to be UNIVERSAL FOOD so all living being-humans and animals could eat them. The scientists who created them, did not use preservatives, chemicals, drugs, medicines or medicinal herbs that make side or secondary effects
Other Vitamin-products in the market that contain these chemicals and herbal components, cannot be consumed in disorder, nor they allow self-medication and they must be medicated and must be dosed by specialists. Instead, the Micellization Scientists to create these special Nutrients, used fruit concentrates, vegetables, cereals and nutritional herbs like seaweed, Aloe Vera, coriander, parsley, schizandra, ginseng etc...
The revolutionary technology they used - MICELLIZATION and MYCRONIZATION- makes that if nutrients are dissolved in liquids, are covered by a water cloak; then the water becomes its own vehicle or transportation support within the bloodstream, let each body cell could choose and take nutrient needed to be nourished and let go and pass another ones that does not require at that exact time. Therefore, It is avoided, toxicity, vitamin hyper saturation, accumulation caused by a vitamin or mineral excess within the organism and the liver is free from saturation or physiological stress.
So, incoming Micellized vitamins are mixed instantaneously with the body water - it is known that body is composed by 70% of water, water-packed in its composition. Micellization creates stable, easily absorb able, microscopic particles of the oil soluble nutrients.
What are the advantages?
Greater absorption
Higher plasma levels
Quicker absorption
Higher tissue levels
No "tweens" or polysorbates;
Unaffected by gastric juices or enzymes
Easy to take/liquid formulation: delicious and different flavors
Accurate dose formulation
Safety sealed and strict and rigorous quality production' ISO 9000 GUARANTY
More cost effective - one bottle or packages/ box is 4 times pill supply
No added colors, wheat or corn products, fillers or starches like in capsules
They penetrate all the organism at 5 to 10 minutes, time shorter than the normal absorption period computed from 4 to 10 hours, sometimes up to 48 hours. So, the
Micellized or mycronized nutrients are easily assimilated as Water. They feed and reactivate within the organism, the most powerful army, the immune system, the body defenses -the most perfect laboratory- so the body get started to heal by itself. The results when consuming these Micellized or mycronized products are amazing, they are cellular regenerators because they stabilize the metabolic system, activates all the body systems, specially the immune and, due to their often use, they give an amazing sensation of uplifting, refreshing new energy.
EXCELLENT DIET AND NUTRITION give us Immunization against all common ailments and make a reduced propensity to the illnesses with their unwanted pains.
Copyright 2003 Natural-Omniproducts, USA INC
Not all products are available in Canada YET. Please inquire.
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